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Monday, August 24, 2015

 I haven't been on much and haven't reviewed anything in a while. I have been spending time on me. Trying to be a better me and just re-energizing myself. I have made more changes and there are more changes coming but I need to do this for me to be a better me. I have prayed for Gods will for me to do whatever it is he wants from me.
    I also have had my prayer bowl full for the last year. I have lost at the begining of the year my brother in law, my brother and my sister in law... it has been a rollercoaster tide for sure. I have purged my house and feel better and like i have room to breathe.. So I will go for now and try to keep up better. So until next time have a blessed day...    Sandy

The Sacred

 Well i was intrigued with this book . The ending left me wanting more.It was great the book had some pictures to co-inside with the story and the drawing where good. I love stories that pertain to American Indians for I am part Cherokee and the story was great and made me feel like I was there. I gave the rating of three stars because I wasn't into all the cursing. I think you could write a book without that. I suggest everyone get this book  it is a very good read...

Friday, July 10, 2015

Lost Time

I have had so many things to do and take care of . I have done some reviews on amazon but have not posted them here. Todays blog is about me. I am on a new journey and talking more with God. I had to remove some negativity out of my life and I couldn't be more happy. I tried to make a go of my first boyfriend. After being with him I see how much he has changed,I don't know if it's all the drinking he has done or the fact that he has been in prison.
    I thought he loved Jesus as much as me but he never wanted to do bible study or even watch church on Sunday. He was into drama so much I could feel it starting to poison me. I knew I had to get out. His true colors have shown big time this past week with all the bulling and threats. I have asked him to come get his things and he has refused... 
   I will survive. I do after all have Jesus watching over me and I have the faith of a mustard seed. Until next time ...

Friday, June 19, 2015

Compression Hose

I received compression hose at a discounted price to give and honest review. they work great my legs felt good after wearing them. I was having some knee pain before wearing these and found them to help my circulation so that I don't have the knee pain. I give these a 4 star and would recommend these to everyone who has a very active life...

Monday, June 8, 2015

eye mask

I received these eye mask with ear plugs free to do an honest review . They really did work I love a totally black out room and these eye mask really kept me in the dark. I was able to get a good nights rest without the light waking me. They where so comfortable I forgot I had them on. The ear plugs that came with them kept out the noise. Best night sleep yet..  5 stars

dishwashing tab

I recieved these oxiclean dishwasher tabs cheap to give an honest review.They did what they said they would do. My dishes came out clean and spot free. I love these tabs and will continue to buy them. I give them a 5 star rating..

knee pad

I recieved knee pads cheap to give an honest review. The claim to help knee pain. Let me tell you this yes they did compress but did not relieve the pain. I wore them all day and had to keep pulling them up everytime I would sit and stand they would roll down. I found that to be aggrivating. My knee pain never did leave. I would only give these a 2 star at most :(

Monday, May 25, 2015

update on selfie stick

well the last review I did didn't go over well and was sent a camera clicker for the selfie stick. This is a must have with this selfie stick and now I have been having lots of fun with it. It hold both my phone and professional camera really well. Doesn't slip or turn I really like that. I will tell ya with the professional camera it's heavy to hold.
   You can really hold this out away from you and capture the view around you it's fantastic with the camera clicker. Without the clicker you have to basically set you camera on a timer and take the picks that way. I suggest this stick for anyone having a party, cookout, camping , fishing or any other activity you plan on doing, I give this stick with the camera clicker a 4 stars

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Well it's a holiday weekend and it's been a real bore. Nothing happening and really no one to talk to. I was hoping to get out and about to use my selfie stick around town. We will see what tomorrow brings

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Selfish stick

Well I got a selfie stick to try out well so far I have managed to get the phone in it but have yet to figure out how to snap the picture. I will say no instructions came with the stick maybe that's the whole problem.
   I was so excited to be able to get the chance to try this out and do a review and so far my review is not a good one smh.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Well today is Mothers Day and I wished my Mother Happy Mothers Day did you? I have 4 girls and out of the 4 only got the wishes from 1 the other three are mad at me for something that doesn't concern them and that's okay their problem not mine. I did not do anything wrong and my heart is free.
   You only have 1 Mother and weather you agree with her or not and maybe she tells you things you don't want to hear she is your Mother that doesn't change. God has given us a loan of these children and has instrusted us to care and give them love to teach them how to be kind and compasionate.
     I did the best and I pray that God is proud of the job he intrusted in me. So go enjoy your day and be blessed,,

Monday, May 4, 2015

Game Of War

I was asked to play the game of war and give my honest opinion. Well I will say this I think this is a game for younger people to play. I have been playing it for two days and still can not get the concept of the game. I know it's a battle game and you need alliances and they are easy to get because there are so many people playing this game.
   I started building my fort and hospital and things but could not figure out how to visit other lands or to do battle. If someone was to come and battle with me I wouldn't have a clue what to do the game leaves very little instruction from the begining. It would be easier played on a laptop , tablet or desktop. It's hard to play on a cell phone with the screen so small and the wording so little it's hard to read. For someone my age and not getting the concept of the whole game I give it a star rating of 2 but a younger person who plays these kinds of games I give it a star rating of 5. So I gues when it comes down to it ,It's all a matter of how much of a gamer you are...

Thursday, April 30, 2015

My downfall

So I have this thing with dolls I love them and collect . I really like the primitive or the homemade ones the best, I have been rearranging my house to try to display all of them but it's hard. i really need something better to display them. I also have a few more coming that I won in an auction I am so excited that I have to stay off the sites for awhile  a girl could go bankrupt ugh. Below you will see some of the dolls I have. I do have some put up that are holiday ones that come out during whatever holiday it is.. and these are just a few I have a lot more

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Something New

Well I've been working on something new and I am excited to share it with you I've sent one out to a friend and waiting to get the feedback on it. Then I will post pictures. I showed my mother and she was happy with the product and thought it would be a good seller I am hoping.  Today has been a slow day I've just done some cleaning and moved some things around I have a big collection of annie and andy dolls so I had to figure out how to move them around to display still not happy would really like cheese boxes to hang on the wall and put them in. As you can see from the photo they are crunched lol anyone have dolls they want to donate lol

Monday, April 27, 2015

The start

well I started making some quilt balls back at Christmas and have never thought of making them and selling them until someone asked me to make them some . It’s time consuming but it relaxes me to be able to craft. I’m in my own little world there. I recently bought some plain material because I was short of that and needed some to break up the patterns in some of the material I have. I have tried to stay true to the prim patterns but have done some pastel for Easter.. I am hoping that I will get more orders . I’m going to make another dozen small ones and then a dozen bigger ones and post pictures I put a couple on my tree to show what they would look like on a primitive tree.. hope everyone enjoys the day and lets get crafting

The journey continues

so I sold another set of quilt balls and have been making more . I made some 3 inch ones this time in hope to sell those. I’m also in the process of meeting people to live green and organic.Lets see how this will work.I have been spending alot of time just crafting it relaxes me.he cats think I am making them new toys to play with that’s why when I am finished I have to put them up or they will be all over the house. Maybe the more I blog the better I will get at things to say until then Happy Crafting
just thought I would add to this to give an idea on how to display these’ you could put them in a basket on a table. you could incorporate them in a display you already have set up, you could hang them from a primitive tree or you can make you own by getting a tomato cage and hot gluing them on…


wow I have tried so many times to get this started it's harder than it looks lol. I make quilt balls and I sell the I have sold a couple sets already I have 3 inch and 2 inch . I make them from whatever material I have. So far I have not had anyone specific colors people have asked for,